Spearfishing Catalina Island: 5 Must-Visit Spots for Your Next Adventure
11 min read

Spearfishing Catalina Island: 5 Must-Visit Spots for Your Next Adventure

May 1
11 min read
Table of Contents

Picture yourself effortlessly floating in crystal-clear waters, enveloped by a dazzling display of colorful marine life as the sun rays warm your back. Inhale deeply, and then submerge yourself into an underwater paradise filled with vibrant coral reefs teeming with life, curious sea turtles passing by for a look, and schools of vivid fish darting playfully around you. Witness the mesmerizing dance of the many species of jellyfish and the gentle sway of the underwater plants as you explore the hidden treasures of the ocean floor.

This is spearfishing on the enchanting Catalina Island, an adrenaline-fueled adventure you don't want to miss!

In this article, we'll guide you through the top 5 must-visit spearfishing spots on Catalina Island and provide helpful tips to make your next underwater hunting trip unforgettable. So, grab your gear, and let's dive in!

Table of contents

  • Why Catalina Island is a spearfishing paradise
  • 1. Geography and climate
  • 2. Rich marine life
  • Top 5 spearfishing spots on Catalina Island
  • 1. Ship Rock
  • 2. Farnsworth Bank
  • 3. Blue Cavern Point
  • 4. Casino Point Dive Park
  • 5. Italian Gardens
  • Spearfishing techniques for Catalina Island
  • Safety tips for spearfishing on Catalina Island
  • Best times to go spearfishing on Catalina Island
  • How to get to Catalina Island
  • Required gear for spearfishing on Catalina Island
  • Licenses and regulations for spearfishing on Catalina Island
  • Spearfishing charters and guided trips on Catalina Island
  • Accommodations and dining options on Catalina Island
  • Other activities to enjoy on Catalina Island
  • Final Thoughts
  • FAQs

Why Spearfishing on Catalina Island is a Spearo's Paradise

Catalina Island, situated just 22 miles off the coast of Southern California, is a haven for spearfishing enthusiasts. The island's extraordinary combination of ideal geography, climate, and abundant marine life makes it a top destination for underwater adventurers seeking an unparalleled experience.

Geography and Climate

Spearfishing Catalina Island Aerial View

Catalina Island features over 50 miles of stunning coastline, dotted with numerous secluded coves that offer shelter from the open ocean. These hidden gems create the perfect environment for spearfishing, allowing spearos to explore the diverse underwater world in relative tranquility. The island's Mediterranean-like climate results in warm water temperatures and excellent visibility throughout the year, further enhancing the spearfishing experience.

In addition to the favorable climate, the island's unique underwater topography, consisting of rocky reefs, kelp forests, and sandy bottoms, provides a diverse range of habitats for marine life. These varied ecosystems attract different fish species, giving spearfishers the opportunity to target a wide variety of game fish.

Rich Marine Life

Spearfishing Catalina Island in the kelp Forests

The diverse underwater ecosystem of Catalina Island is home to an array of fish species, such as calico bass, white seabass, halibut, and the elusive yellowtail. These sought-after game fish make spearfishing on Catalina Island an unforgettable experience, attracting spearos from all over the world.

The island's rich marine life is not limited to game fish, as it also hosts a myriad of other fascinating creatures, such as sea lions, dolphins, and various species of sharks. This abundance and diversity of marine life create an enchanting underwater landscape for spearfishers to explore, adding to the thrill of the hunt.

Moreover, the island's location within the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary ensures the protection and conservation of its diverse marine ecosystems. This careful management promotes a healthy and thriving underwater environment, providing spearos with the opportunity to experience the island's marine life in all its glory.

Top 5 spearfishing spots on Catalina Island

Spearfishing Spot 1: Ship Rock

Ship Rock Catalina Island

This remarkable spearfishing location is accessible by boat and is situated near the isthmus of Catalina Island and Two Harbors. Ship Rock is characterized by its rugged structure and extensive network of underwater caves that create ideal habitats for various fish species.

Ship Rock Catalina Island

The labyrinthine caves, coupled with surrounding kelp forests, make it a perfect hunting ground for kelp bass, sheephead, and opaleye. In addition, the location's unique topography and dramatic underwater landscape provide spearfishers with an unparalleled experience, making it a must-visit destination for underwater enthusiasts.

Spearfishing Spot 2: Farnsworth Bank

Farnsworth Bank Catalina Island

Located a few miles off the backside of Catalina Island, Farnsworth Bank is a deep-water pinnacle that rises from the ocean floor. The structure creates an upwelling of nutrient-rich water, attracting an array of marine life, including massive yellowtail, white seabass, and the occasional tuna.

Farnsworth Bank Catalina Island Underwater

Due to its depth and strong currents, Farnsworth Bank is recommended for experienced spearfishers. It's essential to be aware of the ever-changing conditions and potential hazards in this area, but the rewards are well worth the challenge.

Spearfishing Spot 3: Blue Cavern Point

Blue Cavern Point Catalina Island

On the windward side of Catalina Island lies Blue Cavern Point, a shallow reef system adorned with a complex network of underwater caverns. This location is a haven for marine life, making it an excellent spot for spearfishing calico bass, rockfish, and lingcod.

The mesmerizing blue caverns, coupled with the vibrant coral reefs and diverse fish species, create an unforgettable underwater experience. Blue Cavern Point offers spearfishers a chance to test their skills while exploring the captivating natural beauty of the area.

Spearfishing Spot 4: Italian Gardens

Italian Gardens Catalina Island

Located on the leeward side of Catalina Island, Italian Gardens is a diverse spearfishing spot with a mix of rocky and sandy bottom habitats. The area's unique underwater landscape provides shelter for various fish species, making it an excellent location for targeting halibut and a wide range of reef fish.

The sandy patches offer a perfect hiding spot for halibut, while the rocky areas attract colorful reef fish, creating a dynamic and versatile spearfishing experience. Italian Gardens is an ideal destination for those seeking variety and a chance to test their skills in different environments.

Spearfishing Spot 5: Casino Point Dive Park

Casino Point Catalina Island

Situated in the charming town of Avalon, Casino Point Dive Park is a protected marine reserve that offers an exceptional spot for beginner spearfishers to hone their skills. While spearfishing is not allowed within the reserve boundaries, the surrounding areas provide ample opportunities to target halibut, kelp bass, and even octopus.

Casino Point Catalina Island Diving Shot

With easy shore access and abundant marine life, Casino Point Dive Park is an excellent starting point for those new to spearfishing, providing a safe and controlled environment for learning and practice.

If you do want to catch fish here just be sure to leave the No-Take zone first.

Catalina Island Casino Point MPA

Spearfishing techniques for Catalina Island

Catalina Island's captivating waters invite spearos to explore a variety of spearfishing techniques, each with its distinct appeal and challenge. Let's take a look at some of the most enticing methods you can use while hunting in the underwater world of Catalina Island:

Freediving: The Timeless Art

Freediving spearfishing Catalina Island

Dive deep into the enchanting waters of Catalina Island using the age-old tradition of freediving, relying solely on your breath and instincts. This technique requires physical strength, mental resilience, and a deep understanding of your limits. Perfect for targeting calico bass, white seabass, and halibut, freediving allows you to immerse yourself in the underwater world and get up close with your prey.

Scuba Diving Spearfishing: Exploring the Depths

Scuba diving spearfishing Catalina Island

For experienced divers looking to explore the depths of Catalina's underwater wonders, spearfishing with scuba gear provides an exhilarating adventure. With the ability to stay deep for longer, you can search the ocean floor for elusive rockfish and lingcod. Remember to consider safety and legal restrictions while scuba spearfishing, and prepare to uncover the secrets of the deep.

Snorkeling Spearfishing: Skimming the Surface

Snorkeling spearfishing Catalina Island

For those who enjoy riding the waves, snorkeling spearfishing offers an exciting experience. Glide along the surface, observing the captivating sights below, and dive in for the perfect shot. Ideal for shallow-water species like kelp bass and opaleye or large surface-dwellers such as yellowtail, snorkeling spearfishing provides a fun and accessible introduction to underwater hunting.

Ambush and Aspetto Techniques: Mastering Stealth and Strategy

Ambush and Aspetto spearfishing Catalina Island

Venture into the world of patience and cunning with ambush and aspetto spearfishing techniques. Hide among rocky reefs, kelp forests, or shadowy depths to entice your prey into the ideal position. These methods require stealth, strategy, and the ability to remain motionless, making them highly effective for targeting elusive or cautious species.

Bluewater Hunting: Embracing the Open Ocean

Blue Water spearfishing Catalina Island

For the fearless spearfisher seeking the ultimate challenge, bluewater hunting provides the opportunity to chase majestic pelagic species like tuna and dorado in the vast expanse of the open ocean. This technique demands specialized equipment, extensive experience, and top physical fitness. Revel in the excitement of the hunt as you pursue your quarry in the deep blue, far from the safety of the shore.

Safety tips for spearfishing on Catalina Island

Spearfishing is a thrilling, adventurous sport, but the thrill does come with risks. I'd recommend following these tips to keep your spearfishing adventure thrilling but not dangerous:

  1. Never spearfish alone: It's essential to have a buddy with you while spearfishing anywhere. Having someone watch your back and assist in case of emergencies can be a lifesaver.
  2. Be mindful of boat traffic: Catalina Island is a popular destination for boaters. Always stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings to avoid collisions with passing boats, particularly near popular dive spots and mooring areas.
  3. Know the local regulations: Familiarize yourself with Catalina Island's spearfishing regulations, including catch limits, size limits, and species restrictions. Be sure to respect marine protected areas, where spearfishing is prohibited, such as the Casino Point Dive Park.
  4. Check the local conditions: Catalina Island's weather and ocean conditions can change rapidly. Stay informed about the current conditions, including wind speed, swells, and visibility, to ensure a safe spearfishing experience. In case of rough conditions, consider postponing your trip or selecting a more sheltered location.
  5. Don't push your limits: Spearfishing on Catalina Island can be physically demanding, particularly when freediving. Know your limitations and don't push yourself too hard. Make sure you're well-rested and properly hydrated before embarking on your spearfishing adventure.
  6. Carry essential safety equipment: Equip yourself with the necessary safety gear, such as a dive knife for cutting entangled lines or kelp, a signal buoy to alert boats to your presence, and a first-aid kit for treating minor injuries. A whistle or other signaling device can also be helpful in case of emergencies.
  7. Monitor marine life interactions: Catalina Island's waters are teeming with diverse marine life, including curious sea lions and potentially aggressive species like sharks. Be aware of your surroundings and maintain a respectful distance from these creatures. In case of an encounter with an aggressive animal, remain calm, and slowly back away while maintaining eye contact.

Best times to go spearfishing on Catalina Island

While Catalina Island provides spearfishing opportunities all year round, the optimal time to visit is during the warmer months, between May and October. Water temperatures are more pleasant during this period, and visibility tends to be at its peak. It's important to remember that some fish species may have specific seasons or restrictions, so always check local regulations before planning your spearfishing adventure.

How to Get to Catalina Island

Catalina Island, a popular destination off the coast of Southern California, is easily accessible by various means of transportation, including ferries, helicopters, and private boats. Consider the following options when planning your trip:

Ferry Services

Catalina Express Catalina Island

The Catalina Express offers daily ferry services from Long Beach, San Pedro, and Dana Point. With a travel time of approximately one hour, the ferry is a convenient and affordable option for reaching the island. Keep in mind that ferry schedules may vary depending on the season, so be sure to check for the latest information when planning your trip.

Helicopter Charters

Island Express Helicopters
Photo By Island Express Helicopters

For those seeking a quicker and more luxurious transportation option, helicopter charters are available. Companies such as Island Express Helicopters provide flights from Long Beach, San Pedro, and Orange County, with a flight duration of about 15 minutes. This option offers stunning aerial views of the island and surrounding areas, making it an unforgettable experience.

Private Boat

If you own or have access to a private boat, sailing to Catalina Island can be a fantastic adventure. Marinas on the island, such as Avalon Harbor and Two Harbors, offer mooring and anchorage options for visiting boaters. Be aware of local boating regulations and weather conditions when planning your voyage.

Required gear and Recommendations for spearfishing on Catalina Island

Depending on your experience, we've put together a few recommendation and some essential gear you'd need for spearfishing on Catalina Island. Here's a breakdown of the essential equipment and recommendations you'll need for your underwater hunting adventure:

1. Speargun or Pole Spear

Choose between a speargun or pole spear based on your experience level, target fish species, and personal preference. Spearguns offer greater accuracy and range, while pole spears provide a more hands-on and challenging experience. For open water hunting, a longer speargun (100-130 cm) is recommended, while for reef spearfishing or hunting in tight spaces, a shorter speargun (75-90 cm) or a pole spear will provide better maneuverability.

2. Wetsuit, Gloves, and Booties

A wetsuit is essential for thermal protection in the cool waters surrounding Catalina Island. Full suits or spring suits are recommended, depending on the water temperature. Gloves and booties provide additional warmth and protection from rocks, corals, and other underwater hazards. Water temperatures around Catalina Island can range from the mid-50s to low-70s Fahrenheit (12-22°C), so consider a 5mm or 7mm wetsuit in colder months and a 3mm suit during warmer months. A hooded vest can also be worn under your wetsuit for additional warmth.

3. Mask, Snorkel, and Fins

A high-quality mask ensures a clear view of the underwater environment, while a snorkel allows for easy surface breathing between dives. Fins provide propulsion and maneuverability, making it easier to chase and capture your target fish. Longer freediving fins offer increased efficiency and propulsion compared to shorter scuba fins, which can be especially beneficial when chasing fast-moving species like yellowtail or white seabass in Catalina Island's waters.

4. Weight Belt and Weights

A weight belt with adjustable weights helps you achieve neutral buoyancy, making it easier to dive and ascend. The amount of weight needed depends on your body type, wetsuit thickness, and personal buoyancy preferences.

5. Dive Knife and Safety Equipment

A dive knife serves as a versatile tool for cutting entangled lines, dispatching fish, or for other emergencies. Additionally, carry safety equipment such as a signal buoy, whistle, and first-aid kit to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

6. Camouflage Wetsuits

Wearing a camouflage wetsuit that blends in with the local underwater environment can help you approach fish more stealthily. Consider wetsuits with kelp or reef patterns to match the surroundings of Catalina Island's dive spots.

7. Local Dive Shops

If you're unsure about the most suitable gear for spearfishing on Catalina Island, consider visiting a local dive shop. They can provide expert advice on the best equipment for the area and may also offer gear rentals, allowing you to try different options before committing to a purchase.

Licenses and regulations for spearfishing on Catalina Island

As you prepare for your spearfishing adventure on Catalina Island, it's essential to familiarize yourself with California's fishing regulations. Obtain a valid fishing license and acquaint yourself with local rules, size limits, and catch limits for your targeted fish species. Remember to respect marine protected areas and adhere to any specific regulations that may apply.

Spearfishing charters and guided trips on Catalina Island

For those new to spearfishing or looking to benefit from local expertise, booking a guided trip or charter on Catalina Island is an excellent option. Numerous businesses provide these services, complete with all the necessary equipment, instruction, and insider knowledge to maximize your underwater excursion. A guided trip not only promises an enjoyable experience but also offers invaluable lessons from experienced spearos, increasing your chances of success.

Accommodations and dining options on Catalina Island

Catering to a wide range of preferences, Catalina Island offers various lodging and dining options to ensure a memorable spearfishing adventure. From rustic campgrounds for an immersive nature experience to luxury hotels for ultimate relaxation, you'll find accommodations to suit your needs. When it comes to dining, the island boasts an impressive selection, featuring casual cafes for quick bites, delectable seafood restaurants, and sophisticated fine dining establishments. With something for every palate, Catalina Island guarantees an unforgettable spearfishing journey.

Other activities to enjoy on Catalina Island

In addition to spearfishing, Catalina Island offers a wealth of other activities to enjoy during your visit. Here are some suggestions:

Beyond spearfishing, Catalina Island offers a plethora of exciting activities to make your visit truly unforgettable. Here are some top recommendations and lesser-known gems to explore:

Hiking and Biking

Embark on an adventure through the island's picturesque trails, uncovering its natural beauty and breathtaking panoramas. Explore lesser-known paths for a more secluded experience.


Thrill-seekers can embark on an adrenaline-charged escapade through the island's canyons and forests, soaring high above the treetops for a unique perspective.

Wildlife Watching

Observe native animals like bison, foxes, and eagles in their natural habitats. Don't miss the opportunity to spot the rare and elusive Catalina Island fox.

Kayaking and Paddleboarding

Glide along the island's coastline, uncovering hidden coves and pristine beaches. For a more off-the-beaten-path experience, explore secluded spots only accessible by water.


Tee off at the scenic Catalina Island Golf Course, surrounded by stunning vistas and lush greenery. The course presents a challenge for golfers of all skill levels.

Shopping and Dining

Wander through the enchanting town of Avalon, indulging in its charming shops, delightful restaurants, and enticing attractions. Unearth hidden gems and local favorites for a more authentic experience.

Glass Bottom Boat Tours

Discover the mesmerizing underwater world of Catalina Island without getting wet. These unique boat tours provide a fascinating glimpse of the island's marine life through a glass viewing panel.

Catalina Island Museum

Immerse yourself in the island's rich history and culture, exploring art exhibitions and historical displays that showcase its intriguing past.

Final Thoughts

Spearfishing on Catalina Island is a thrilling and rewarding experience that every underwater enthusiast should add to their bucket list. With its crystal-clear waters, abundant marine life, and stunning scenery, it's no wonder that Catalina Island is considered a spearfishing paradise. So, gear up and get ready to explore the incredible underwater world that awaits you on your next adventure!


Do I need a fishing license to spearfish on Catalina Island?

Yes, a valid California fishing license is required for spearfishing on Catalina Island.

Can I spearfish in the Casino Point Dive Park?

Spearfishing is not allowed within the Casino Point Dive Park marine reserve. However, you can practice your skills and target species in the surrounding areas.

What is the best time of year to spearfish on Catalina Island?

The best time of year to spearfish on Catalina Island is during the warmer months, from May to October, when water temperatures are more comfortable and visibility is at its best.

What fish species can I target while spearfishing on Catalina Island?

Catalina Island is home to various fish species, such as calico bass, white seabass, halibut, yellowtail, and many others.

Are there spearfishing charters and guided trips available on Catalina Island?

Yes, several businesses on Catalina Island offer spearfishing charters and guided trips, providing equipment, instruction, and local knowledge to help you have a successful adventure.

Cameron Perrin
Entrepreneur | Software Engineer

Hi there! I'm a software developer and entrepreneur by trade, but I always love a good adventure. When I'm not typing away at my keyboard, you can usually find me spearfishing in the

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Spearfishing Catalina Island: 5 Must-Visit Spots for Your Next Adventure
11 min read

Spearfishing Catalina Island: 5 Must-Visit Spots for Your Next Adventure

May 1
11 min read

Picture yourself effortlessly floating in crystal-clear waters, enveloped by a dazzling display of colorful marine life as the sun rays warm your back. Inhale deeply, and then submerge yourself into an underwater paradise filled with vibrant coral reefs teeming with life, curious sea turtles passing by for a look, and schools of vivid fish darting playfully around you. Witness the mesmerizing dance of the many species of jellyfish and the gentle sway of the underwater plants as you explore the hidden treasures of the ocean floor.

This is spearfishing on the enchanting Catalina Island, an adrenaline-fueled adventure you don't want to miss!

In this article, we'll guide you through the top 5 must-visit spearfishing spots on Catalina Island and provide helpful tips to make your next underwater hunting trip unforgettable. So, grab your gear, and let's dive in!

Table of contents

  • Why Catalina Island is a spearfishing paradise
  • 1. Geography and climate
  • 2. Rich marine life
  • Top 5 spearfishing spots on Catalina Island
  • 1. Ship Rock
  • 2. Farnsworth Bank
  • 3. Blue Cavern Point
  • 4. Casino Point Dive Park
  • 5. Italian Gardens
  • Spearfishing techniques for Catalina Island
  • Safety tips for spearfishing on Catalina Island
  • Best times to go spearfishing on Catalina Island
  • How to get to Catalina Island
  • Required gear for spearfishing on Catalina Island
  • Licenses and regulations for spearfishing on Catalina Island
  • Spearfishing charters and guided trips on Catalina Island
  • Accommodations and dining options on Catalina Island
  • Other activities to enjoy on Catalina Island
  • Final Thoughts
  • FAQs

Why Spearfishing on Catalina Island is a Spearo's Paradise

Catalina Island, situated just 22 miles off the coast of Southern California, is a haven for spearfishing enthusiasts. The island's extraordinary combination of ideal geography, climate, and abundant marine life makes it a top destination for underwater adventurers seeking an unparalleled experience.

Geography and Climate

Spearfishing Catalina Island Aerial View

Catalina Island features over 50 miles of stunning coastline, dotted with numerous secluded coves that offer shelter from the open ocean. These hidden gems create the perfect environment for spearfishing, allowing spearos to explore the diverse underwater world in relative tranquility. The island's Mediterranean-like climate results in warm water temperatures and excellent visibility throughout the year, further enhancing the spearfishing experience.

In addition to the favorable climate, the island's unique underwater topography, consisting of rocky reefs, kelp forests, and sandy bottoms, provides a diverse range of habitats for marine life. These varied ecosystems attract different fish species, giving spearfishers the opportunity to target a wide variety of game fish.

Rich Marine Life

Spearfishing Catalina Island in the kelp Forests

The diverse underwater ecosystem of Catalina Island is home to an array of fish species, such as calico bass, white seabass, halibut, and the elusive yellowtail. These sought-after game fish make spearfishing on Catalina Island an unforgettable experience, attracting spearos from all over the world.

The island's rich marine life is not limited to game fish, as it also hosts a myriad of other fascinating creatures, such as sea lions, dolphins, and various species of sharks. This abundance and diversity of marine life create an enchanting underwater landscape for spearfishers to explore, adding to the thrill of the hunt.

Moreover, the island's location within the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary ensures the protection and conservation of its diverse marine ecosystems. This careful management promotes a healthy and thriving underwater environment, providing spearos with the opportunity to experience the island's marine life in all its glory.

Top 5 spearfishing spots on Catalina Island

Spearfishing Spot 1: Ship Rock

Ship Rock Catalina Island

This remarkable spearfishing location is accessible by boat and is situated near the isthmus of Catalina Island and Two Harbors. Ship Rock is characterized by its rugged structure and extensive network of underwater caves that create ideal habitats for various fish species.

Ship Rock Catalina Island

The labyrinthine caves, coupled with surrounding kelp forests, make it a perfect hunting ground for kelp bass, sheephead, and opaleye. In addition, the location's unique topography and dramatic underwater landscape provide spearfishers with an unparalleled experience, making it a must-visit destination for underwater enthusiasts.

Spearfishing Spot 2: Farnsworth Bank

Farnsworth Bank Catalina Island

Located a few miles off the backside of Catalina Island, Farnsworth Bank is a deep-water pinnacle that rises from the ocean floor. The structure creates an upwelling of nutrient-rich water, attracting an array of marine life, including massive yellowtail, white seabass, and the occasional tuna.

Farnsworth Bank Catalina Island Underwater

Due to its depth and strong currents, Farnsworth Bank is recommended for experienced spearfishers. It's essential to be aware of the ever-changing conditions and potential hazards in this area, but the rewards are well worth the challenge.

Spearfishing Spot 3: Blue Cavern Point

Blue Cavern Point Catalina Island

On the windward side of Catalina Island lies Blue Cavern Point, a shallow reef system adorned with a complex network of underwater caverns. This location is a haven for marine life, making it an excellent spot for spearfishing calico bass, rockfish, and lingcod.

The mesmerizing blue caverns, coupled with the vibrant coral reefs and diverse fish species, create an unforgettable underwater experience. Blue Cavern Point offers spearfishers a chance to test their skills while exploring the captivating natural beauty of the area.

Spearfishing Spot 4: Italian Gardens

Italian Gardens Catalina Island

Located on the leeward side of Catalina Island, Italian Gardens is a diverse spearfishing spot with a mix of rocky and sandy bottom habitats. The area's unique underwater landscape provides shelter for various fish species, making it an excellent location for targeting halibut and a wide range of reef fish.

The sandy patches offer a perfect hiding spot for halibut, while the rocky areas attract colorful reef fish, creating a dynamic and versatile spearfishing experience. Italian Gardens is an ideal destination for those seeking variety and a chance to test their skills in different environments.

Spearfishing Spot 5: Casino Point Dive Park

Casino Point Catalina Island

Situated in the charming town of Avalon, Casino Point Dive Park is a protected marine reserve that offers an exceptional spot for beginner spearfishers to hone their skills. While spearfishing is not allowed within the reserve boundaries, the surrounding areas provide ample opportunities to target halibut, kelp bass, and even octopus.

Casino Point Catalina Island Diving Shot

With easy shore access and abundant marine life, Casino Point Dive Park is an excellent starting point for those new to spearfishing, providing a safe and controlled environment for learning and practice.

If you do want to catch fish here just be sure to leave the No-Take zone first.

Catalina Island Casino Point MPA

Spearfishing techniques for Catalina Island

Catalina Island's captivating waters invite spearos to explore a variety of spearfishing techniques, each with its distinct appeal and challenge. Let's take a look at some of the most enticing methods you can use while hunting in the underwater world of Catalina Island:

Freediving: The Timeless Art

Freediving spearfishing Catalina Island

Dive deep into the enchanting waters of Catalina Island using the age-old tradition of freediving, relying solely on your breath and instincts. This technique requires physical strength, mental resilience, and a deep understanding of your limits. Perfect for targeting calico bass, white seabass, and halibut, freediving allows you to immerse yourself in the underwater world and get up close with your prey.

Scuba Diving Spearfishing: Exploring the Depths

Scuba diving spearfishing Catalina Island

For experienced divers looking to explore the depths of Catalina's underwater wonders, spearfishing with scuba gear provides an exhilarating adventure. With the ability to stay deep for longer, you can search the ocean floor for elusive rockfish and lingcod. Remember to consider safety and legal restrictions while scuba spearfishing, and prepare to uncover the secrets of the deep.

Snorkeling Spearfishing: Skimming the Surface

Snorkeling spearfishing Catalina Island

For those who enjoy riding the waves, snorkeling spearfishing offers an exciting experience. Glide along the surface, observing the captivating sights below, and dive in for the perfect shot. Ideal for shallow-water species like kelp bass and opaleye or large surface-dwellers such as yellowtail, snorkeling spearfishing provides a fun and accessible introduction to underwater hunting.

Ambush and Aspetto Techniques: Mastering Stealth and Strategy

Ambush and Aspetto spearfishing Catalina Island

Venture into the world of patience and cunning with ambush and aspetto spearfishing techniques. Hide among rocky reefs, kelp forests, or shadowy depths to entice your prey into the ideal position. These methods require stealth, strategy, and the ability to remain motionless, making them highly effective for targeting elusive or cautious species.

Bluewater Hunting: Embracing the Open Ocean

Blue Water spearfishing Catalina Island

For the fearless spearfisher seeking the ultimate challenge, bluewater hunting provides the opportunity to chase majestic pelagic species like tuna and dorado in the vast expanse of the open ocean. This technique demands specialized equipment, extensive experience, and top physical fitness. Revel in the excitement of the hunt as you pursue your quarry in the deep blue, far from the safety of the shore.

Safety tips for spearfishing on Catalina Island

Spearfishing is a thrilling, adventurous sport, but the thrill does come with risks. I'd recommend following these tips to keep your spearfishing adventure thrilling but not dangerous:

  1. Never spearfish alone: It's essential to have a buddy with you while spearfishing anywhere. Having someone watch your back and assist in case of emergencies can be a lifesaver.
  2. Be mindful of boat traffic: Catalina Island is a popular destination for boaters. Always stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings to avoid collisions with passing boats, particularly near popular dive spots and mooring areas.
  3. Know the local regulations: Familiarize yourself with Catalina Island's spearfishing regulations, including catch limits, size limits, and species restrictions. Be sure to respect marine protected areas, where spearfishing is prohibited, such as the Casino Point Dive Park.
  4. Check the local conditions: Catalina Island's weather and ocean conditions can change rapidly. Stay informed about the current conditions, including wind speed, swells, and visibility, to ensure a safe spearfishing experience. In case of rough conditions, consider postponing your trip or selecting a more sheltered location.
  5. Don't push your limits: Spearfishing on Catalina Island can be physically demanding, particularly when freediving. Know your limitations and don't push yourself too hard. Make sure you're well-rested and properly hydrated before embarking on your spearfishing adventure.
  6. Carry essential safety equipment: Equip yourself with the necessary safety gear, such as a dive knife for cutting entangled lines or kelp, a signal buoy to alert boats to your presence, and a first-aid kit for treating minor injuries. A whistle or other signaling device can also be helpful in case of emergencies.
  7. Monitor marine life interactions: Catalina Island's waters are teeming with diverse marine life, including curious sea lions and potentially aggressive species like sharks. Be aware of your surroundings and maintain a respectful distance from these creatures. In case of an encounter with an aggressive animal, remain calm, and slowly back away while maintaining eye contact.

Best times to go spearfishing on Catalina Island

While Catalina Island provides spearfishing opportunities all year round, the optimal time to visit is during the warmer months, between May and October. Water temperatures are more pleasant during this period, and visibility tends to be at its peak. It's important to remember that some fish species may have specific seasons or restrictions, so always check local regulations before planning your spearfishing adventure.

How to Get to Catalina Island

Catalina Island, a popular destination off the coast of Southern California, is easily accessible by various means of transportation, including ferries, helicopters, and private boats. Consider the following options when planning your trip:

Ferry Services

Catalina Express Catalina Island

The Catalina Express offers daily ferry services from Long Beach, San Pedro, and Dana Point. With a travel time of approximately one hour, the ferry is a convenient and affordable option for reaching the island. Keep in mind that ferry schedules may vary depending on the season, so be sure to check for the latest information when planning your trip.

Helicopter Charters

Island Express Helicopters
Photo By Island Express Helicopters

For those seeking a quicker and more luxurious transportation option, helicopter charters are available. Companies such as Island Express Helicopters provide flights from Long Beach, San Pedro, and Orange County, with a flight duration of about 15 minutes. This option offers stunning aerial views of the island and surrounding areas, making it an unforgettable experience.

Private Boat

If you own or have access to a private boat, sailing to Catalina Island can be a fantastic adventure. Marinas on the island, such as Avalon Harbor and Two Harbors, offer mooring and anchorage options for visiting boaters. Be aware of local boating regulations and weather conditions when planning your voyage.

Required gear and Recommendations for spearfishing on Catalina Island

Depending on your experience, we've put together a few recommendation and some essential gear you'd need for spearfishing on Catalina Island. Here's a breakdown of the essential equipment and recommendations you'll need for your underwater hunting adventure:

1. Speargun or Pole Spear

Choose between a speargun or pole spear based on your experience level, target fish species, and personal preference. Spearguns offer greater accuracy and range, while pole spears provide a more hands-on and challenging experience. For open water hunting, a longer speargun (100-130 cm) is recommended, while for reef spearfishing or hunting in tight spaces, a shorter speargun (75-90 cm) or a pole spear will provide better maneuverability.

2. Wetsuit, Gloves, and Booties

A wetsuit is essential for thermal protection in the cool waters surrounding Catalina Island. Full suits or spring suits are recommended, depending on the water temperature. Gloves and booties provide additional warmth and protection from rocks, corals, and other underwater hazards. Water temperatures around Catalina Island can range from the mid-50s to low-70s Fahrenheit (12-22°C), so consider a 5mm or 7mm wetsuit in colder months and a 3mm suit during warmer months. A hooded vest can also be worn under your wetsuit for additional warmth.

3. Mask, Snorkel, and Fins

A high-quality mask ensures a clear view of the underwater environment, while a snorkel allows for easy surface breathing between dives. Fins provide propulsion and maneuverability, making it easier to chase and capture your target fish. Longer freediving fins offer increased efficiency and propulsion compared to shorter scuba fins, which can be especially beneficial when chasing fast-moving species like yellowtail or white seabass in Catalina Island's waters.

4. Weight Belt and Weights

A weight belt with adjustable weights helps you achieve neutral buoyancy, making it easier to dive and ascend. The amount of weight needed depends on your body type, wetsuit thickness, and personal buoyancy preferences.

5. Dive Knife and Safety Equipment

A dive knife serves as a versatile tool for cutting entangled lines, dispatching fish, or for other emergencies. Additionally, carry safety equipment such as a signal buoy, whistle, and first-aid kit to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

6. Camouflage Wetsuits

Wearing a camouflage wetsuit that blends in with the local underwater environment can help you approach fish more stealthily. Consider wetsuits with kelp or reef patterns to match the surroundings of Catalina Island's dive spots.

7. Local Dive Shops

If you're unsure about the most suitable gear for spearfishing on Catalina Island, consider visiting a local dive shop. They can provide expert advice on the best equipment for the area and may also offer gear rentals, allowing you to try different options before committing to a purchase.

Licenses and regulations for spearfishing on Catalina Island

As you prepare for your spearfishing adventure on Catalina Island, it's essential to familiarize yourself with California's fishing regulations. Obtain a valid fishing license and acquaint yourself with local rules, size limits, and catch limits for your targeted fish species. Remember to respect marine protected areas and adhere to any specific regulations that may apply.

Spearfishing charters and guided trips on Catalina Island

For those new to spearfishing or looking to benefit from local expertise, booking a guided trip or charter on Catalina Island is an excellent option. Numerous businesses provide these services, complete with all the necessary equipment, instruction, and insider knowledge to maximize your underwater excursion. A guided trip not only promises an enjoyable experience but also offers invaluable lessons from experienced spearos, increasing your chances of success.

Accommodations and dining options on Catalina Island

Catering to a wide range of preferences, Catalina Island offers various lodging and dining options to ensure a memorable spearfishing adventure. From rustic campgrounds for an immersive nature experience to luxury hotels for ultimate relaxation, you'll find accommodations to suit your needs. When it comes to dining, the island boasts an impressive selection, featuring casual cafes for quick bites, delectable seafood restaurants, and sophisticated fine dining establishments. With something for every palate, Catalina Island guarantees an unforgettable spearfishing journey.

Other activities to enjoy on Catalina Island

In addition to spearfishing, Catalina Island offers a wealth of other activities to enjoy during your visit. Here are some suggestions:

Beyond spearfishing, Catalina Island offers a plethora of exciting activities to make your visit truly unforgettable. Here are some top recommendations and lesser-known gems to explore:

Hiking and Biking

Embark on an adventure through the island's picturesque trails, uncovering its natural beauty and breathtaking panoramas. Explore lesser-known paths for a more secluded experience.


Thrill-seekers can embark on an adrenaline-charged escapade through the island's canyons and forests, soaring high above the treetops for a unique perspective.

Wildlife Watching

Observe native animals like bison, foxes, and eagles in their natural habitats. Don't miss the opportunity to spot the rare and elusive Catalina Island fox.

Kayaking and Paddleboarding

Glide along the island's coastline, uncovering hidden coves and pristine beaches. For a more off-the-beaten-path experience, explore secluded spots only accessible by water.


Tee off at the scenic Catalina Island Golf Course, surrounded by stunning vistas and lush greenery. The course presents a challenge for golfers of all skill levels.

Shopping and Dining

Wander through the enchanting town of Avalon, indulging in its charming shops, delightful restaurants, and enticing attractions. Unearth hidden gems and local favorites for a more authentic experience.

Glass Bottom Boat Tours

Discover the mesmerizing underwater world of Catalina Island without getting wet. These unique boat tours provide a fascinating glimpse of the island's marine life through a glass viewing panel.

Catalina Island Museum

Immerse yourself in the island's rich history and culture, exploring art exhibitions and historical displays that showcase its intriguing past.

Final Thoughts

Spearfishing on Catalina Island is a thrilling and rewarding experience that every underwater enthusiast should add to their bucket list. With its crystal-clear waters, abundant marine life, and stunning scenery, it's no wonder that Catalina Island is considered a spearfishing paradise. So, gear up and get ready to explore the incredible underwater world that awaits you on your next adventure!


Do I need a fishing license to spearfish on Catalina Island?

Yes, a valid California fishing license is required for spearfishing on Catalina Island.

Can I spearfish in the Casino Point Dive Park?

Spearfishing is not allowed within the Casino Point Dive Park marine reserve. However, you can practice your skills and target species in the surrounding areas.

What is the best time of year to spearfish on Catalina Island?

The best time of year to spearfish on Catalina Island is during the warmer months, from May to October, when water temperatures are more comfortable and visibility is at its best.

What fish species can I target while spearfishing on Catalina Island?

Catalina Island is home to various fish species, such as calico bass, white seabass, halibut, yellowtail, and many others.

Are there spearfishing charters and guided trips available on Catalina Island?

Yes, several businesses on Catalina Island offer spearfishing charters and guided trips, providing equipment, instruction, and local knowledge to help you have a successful adventure.

Cameron Perrin
Entrepreneur | Software Engineer

Hi there! I'm a software developer and entrepreneur by trade, but I always love a good adventure. When I'm not typing away at my keyboard, you can usually find me spearfishing in the

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