23+ Persuasive Essay Topics: Ignite Your Inner Debater
11 min read

23+ Persuasive Essay Topics: Ignite Your Inner Debater

Apr 17
11 min read
Table of Contents

Let's be honest - we all love a good debate. There's something incredibly satisfying about persuasively guiding someone to see things from your perspective. That's why persuasive essays are so important! They give us the opportunity to flex our debating muscles and explore topics we're passionate about.

To help you kickstart your inner debater, here are 21 persuasive essay topics guaranteed to get the conversation going.

Importance of Persuasive Essay Topics

Choosing the right persuasive essay topic is crucial. The topic should be interesting, relevant, and debatable. It should allow you to dive deep into the subject, presenting strong arguments and counterarguments.

By selecting an engaging topic, you'll capture your reader's attention and make your essay more enjoyable to write and read.

Education-Related Persuasive Essay Topics

1. Should school uniforms be mandatory?

School uniforms have been a hot topic for years. Some argue that uniforms promote equality and reduce bullying, while others believe they stifle individuality and creativity. What's your stance?

2. Is homeschooling a better option than traditional schooling?

Homeschooling has gained popularity in recent years, but is it really a better option than traditional schooling? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of both educational approaches.

3. Should students be paid for good grades?

Motivating students to achieve academic success can be challenging. Would providing financial incentives for good grades be the solution, or would it have unintended consequences?

Technology-Based Persuasive Essay Topics

4. Should social media platforms censor content?

With the rise of misinformation and offensive content on social media, should platforms have the right to censor content? Or does this infringe on freedom of speech?

5. Are smartphones harmful to our mental health?

Smartphones have become an essential part of our lives, but are they negatively affecting our mental health? Consider the impact of constant connectivity and social media on our well-being.

6. Is artificial intelligence a threat to humanity?

As AI continues to advance, concerns about its potential dangers grow. Will AI ultimately benefit humanity, or could it pose a threat to our existence?

Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics

7. Should plastic be banned?

Plastic pollution is a significant environmental issue. Should governments ban single-use plastics, or are there more effective ways to tackle the problem?

8. Is climate change reversible?

Climate change is undeniably one of the most pressing issues facing our planet. Can we reverse its effects, or is it too late to make a meaningful impact?

9. Are electric cars the future of transportation?

As concerns about climate change and air pollution grow, electric cars are becoming increasingly popular. Will they eventually replace traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, or will alternative technologies emerge?

Social Issues Persuasive Essay Topics

10. Should marijuana be legalized?

The debate surrounding marijuana legalization continues to rage on. Should it be legalized for recreational use, medicinal purposes, or both? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of legalization?

11. Is the death penalty justified?

The morality and effectiveness of the death penalty remain contentious topics. Is it a just punishment for the most heinous crimes, or is it an inhumane and outdated practice that should be abolished?

12. Should animal testing be banned?

Animal testing has long been used for scientific and medical research, but is it ethical? Should we continue to rely on animal testing, or should we invest in alternative methods?

Healthcare Persuasive Essay Topics

13. Should vaccinations be mandatory?

Vaccinations have played a crucial role in preventing the spread of deadly diseases. However, some argue that mandatory vaccinations infringe on personal freedoms. What's your take on this issue?

14. Is a vegan diet healthier than an omnivorous diet?

The debate between vegans and omnivores often revolves around health. Are plant-based diets inherently healthier, or can a well-balanced omnivorous diet provide all the necessary nutrients?

15. Should the government provide free healthcare?

Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, but should it be provided for free by the government? Weigh the pros and cons of a publicly funded healthcare system.

Politics and Government Persuasive Essay Topics

16. Should voting be mandatory?

In some countries, voting is compulsory, while in others, it's voluntary. Should citizens be legally required to vote in elections, or should it remain a personal choice?

17. Is a two-party system effective for modern democracies?

Many democracies operate under a two-party system, but is this the best way to represent the diverse opinions and needs of the population? Explore the pros and cons of a multi-party system as an alternative.

18. Should there be term limits for political leaders?

Term limits for political leaders have been a subject of debate for years. Are term limits necessary to prevent the concentration of power, or do they restrict the ability of experienced politicians to lead effectively?

Ethics and Morality Persuasive Essay Topics

19. Is it ethical to use animals in circuses and zoos?

Animals have been used for entertainment purposes in circuses and zoos for centuries. However, concerns about animal welfare have grown in recent years. Is it ethical to keep animals in captivity for our entertainment?

20. Should assisted suicide be legal?

Assisted suicide is a deeply divisive and emotionally charged topic. Should individuals with terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives with the assistance of medical professionals, or is it a moral and ethical boundary that should not be crossed?

21. Is it ethical to use surveillance technology for public safety?

Surveillance technology has become increasingly pervasive in modern society. While it can help improve public safety, it also raises concerns about privacy and civil liberties. Is the use of surveillance technology ethical, or does it infringe on our rights?

Work and Career Persuasive Essay Topics

22. Should there be a universal basic income?

A universal basic income (UBI) is a guaranteed income provided to all citizens, regardless of employment status. Advocates argue that UBI can help reduce poverty and provide financial stability, while opponents argue that it could disincentivize work and strain government budgets. Should a UBI be implemented?

23. Is remote work the future of the workplace?

Remote work has become more popular in recent years, particularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Will remote work become the new normal, or will we eventually return to traditional office environments?

24. Should companies prioritize diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace has been widely discussed. Should companies actively prioritize diversity and inclusion, or should hiring decisions be based solely on merit?

Final Thoughts

These 21 persuasive essay topics offer plenty of opportunities to explore thought-provoking issues and engage in meaningful debates. Remember to consider both sides of the argument and use solid evidence to support your claims. Happy debating!


How do I choose the best persuasive essay topic?

Pick a topic that interests you, is relevant, and allows for a strong argument. Make sure there's enough information available to support your claims.

How can I make my persuasive essay more effective?

Use a clear and engaging writing style, present strong arguments, address counterarguments, and provide evidence to support your claims.

What is the difference between a persuasive essay and an argumentative essay?

Both types of essays aim to convince the reader, but a persuasive essay often relies more on emotions and personal opinions, while an argumentative essay relies on facts and evidence.

How long should a persuasive essay be?

The length of a persuasive essay depends on the assignment and complexity of the topic. Generally, they range from 500 to 2000 words.

Can I use first-person pronouns in a persuasive essay?

Yes, using personal pronouns can help make your essay more engaging and relatable. Just be sure to maintain a balance between personal opinions and factual evidence.

Cameron Perrin
Entrepreneur | Software Engineer

Hi there! I'm a software developer and entrepreneur by trade, but I always love a good adventure. When I'm not typing away at my keyboard, you can usually find me spearfishing in the

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23+ Persuasive Essay Topics: Ignite Your Inner Debater
11 min read

23+ Persuasive Essay Topics: Ignite Your Inner Debater

Apr 17
11 min read

Let's be honest - we all love a good debate. There's something incredibly satisfying about persuasively guiding someone to see things from your perspective. That's why persuasive essays are so important! They give us the opportunity to flex our debating muscles and explore topics we're passionate about.

To help you kickstart your inner debater, here are 21 persuasive essay topics guaranteed to get the conversation going.

Importance of Persuasive Essay Topics

Choosing the right persuasive essay topic is crucial. The topic should be interesting, relevant, and debatable. It should allow you to dive deep into the subject, presenting strong arguments and counterarguments.

By selecting an engaging topic, you'll capture your reader's attention and make your essay more enjoyable to write and read.

Education-Related Persuasive Essay Topics

1. Should school uniforms be mandatory?

School uniforms have been a hot topic for years. Some argue that uniforms promote equality and reduce bullying, while others believe they stifle individuality and creativity. What's your stance?

2. Is homeschooling a better option than traditional schooling?

Homeschooling has gained popularity in recent years, but is it really a better option than traditional schooling? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of both educational approaches.

3. Should students be paid for good grades?

Motivating students to achieve academic success can be challenging. Would providing financial incentives for good grades be the solution, or would it have unintended consequences?

Technology-Based Persuasive Essay Topics

4. Should social media platforms censor content?

With the rise of misinformation and offensive content on social media, should platforms have the right to censor content? Or does this infringe on freedom of speech?

5. Are smartphones harmful to our mental health?

Smartphones have become an essential part of our lives, but are they negatively affecting our mental health? Consider the impact of constant connectivity and social media on our well-being.

6. Is artificial intelligence a threat to humanity?

As AI continues to advance, concerns about its potential dangers grow. Will AI ultimately benefit humanity, or could it pose a threat to our existence?

Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics

7. Should plastic be banned?

Plastic pollution is a significant environmental issue. Should governments ban single-use plastics, or are there more effective ways to tackle the problem?

8. Is climate change reversible?

Climate change is undeniably one of the most pressing issues facing our planet. Can we reverse its effects, or is it too late to make a meaningful impact?

9. Are electric cars the future of transportation?

As concerns about climate change and air pollution grow, electric cars are becoming increasingly popular. Will they eventually replace traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, or will alternative technologies emerge?

Social Issues Persuasive Essay Topics

10. Should marijuana be legalized?

The debate surrounding marijuana legalization continues to rage on. Should it be legalized for recreational use, medicinal purposes, or both? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of legalization?

11. Is the death penalty justified?

The morality and effectiveness of the death penalty remain contentious topics. Is it a just punishment for the most heinous crimes, or is it an inhumane and outdated practice that should be abolished?

12. Should animal testing be banned?

Animal testing has long been used for scientific and medical research, but is it ethical? Should we continue to rely on animal testing, or should we invest in alternative methods?

Healthcare Persuasive Essay Topics

13. Should vaccinations be mandatory?

Vaccinations have played a crucial role in preventing the spread of deadly diseases. However, some argue that mandatory vaccinations infringe on personal freedoms. What's your take on this issue?

14. Is a vegan diet healthier than an omnivorous diet?

The debate between vegans and omnivores often revolves around health. Are plant-based diets inherently healthier, or can a well-balanced omnivorous diet provide all the necessary nutrients?

15. Should the government provide free healthcare?

Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, but should it be provided for free by the government? Weigh the pros and cons of a publicly funded healthcare system.

Politics and Government Persuasive Essay Topics

16. Should voting be mandatory?

In some countries, voting is compulsory, while in others, it's voluntary. Should citizens be legally required to vote in elections, or should it remain a personal choice?

17. Is a two-party system effective for modern democracies?

Many democracies operate under a two-party system, but is this the best way to represent the diverse opinions and needs of the population? Explore the pros and cons of a multi-party system as an alternative.

18. Should there be term limits for political leaders?

Term limits for political leaders have been a subject of debate for years. Are term limits necessary to prevent the concentration of power, or do they restrict the ability of experienced politicians to lead effectively?

Ethics and Morality Persuasive Essay Topics

19. Is it ethical to use animals in circuses and zoos?

Animals have been used for entertainment purposes in circuses and zoos for centuries. However, concerns about animal welfare have grown in recent years. Is it ethical to keep animals in captivity for our entertainment?

20. Should assisted suicide be legal?

Assisted suicide is a deeply divisive and emotionally charged topic. Should individuals with terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives with the assistance of medical professionals, or is it a moral and ethical boundary that should not be crossed?

21. Is it ethical to use surveillance technology for public safety?

Surveillance technology has become increasingly pervasive in modern society. While it can help improve public safety, it also raises concerns about privacy and civil liberties. Is the use of surveillance technology ethical, or does it infringe on our rights?

Work and Career Persuasive Essay Topics

22. Should there be a universal basic income?

A universal basic income (UBI) is a guaranteed income provided to all citizens, regardless of employment status. Advocates argue that UBI can help reduce poverty and provide financial stability, while opponents argue that it could disincentivize work and strain government budgets. Should a UBI be implemented?

23. Is remote work the future of the workplace?

Remote work has become more popular in recent years, particularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Will remote work become the new normal, or will we eventually return to traditional office environments?

24. Should companies prioritize diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace has been widely discussed. Should companies actively prioritize diversity and inclusion, or should hiring decisions be based solely on merit?

Final Thoughts

These 21 persuasive essay topics offer plenty of opportunities to explore thought-provoking issues and engage in meaningful debates. Remember to consider both sides of the argument and use solid evidence to support your claims. Happy debating!


How do I choose the best persuasive essay topic?

Pick a topic that interests you, is relevant, and allows for a strong argument. Make sure there's enough information available to support your claims.

How can I make my persuasive essay more effective?

Use a clear and engaging writing style, present strong arguments, address counterarguments, and provide evidence to support your claims.

What is the difference between a persuasive essay and an argumentative essay?

Both types of essays aim to convince the reader, but a persuasive essay often relies more on emotions and personal opinions, while an argumentative essay relies on facts and evidence.

How long should a persuasive essay be?

The length of a persuasive essay depends on the assignment and complexity of the topic. Generally, they range from 500 to 2000 words.

Can I use first-person pronouns in a persuasive essay?

Yes, using personal pronouns can help make your essay more engaging and relatable. Just be sure to maintain a balance between personal opinions and factual evidence.

Cameron Perrin
Entrepreneur | Software Engineer

Hi there! I'm a software developer and entrepreneur by trade, but I always love a good adventure. When I'm not typing away at my keyboard, you can usually find me spearfishing in the

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