How to Design Your House with Plants
13 min read

How to Design Your House with Plants

Feb 23
13 min read
Table of Contents

Decorating with plants can offer a range of health benefits beyond just adding color and texture. From improving air quality to reducing stress and increasing productivity, they can be like natural superheroes for your home. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of incorporating plants into your home and provide tips on choosing the right plants for your space. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or new to the plant game, you'll find inspiration and ideas to incorporate these natural wonders into your living spaces. Let's dive in!

How to Design Your House with Plants

Not only do plants add a pop of color and texture to your living space, but bringing them indoors also offers a host of physical and mental health benefits. From purifying the air to reducing stress and boosting productivity, house plants are like natural wonder-workers for your home. In this article, we'll explore some of the top benefits of decorating with plants in your interior design, from creating a calming atmosphere to improving indoor air quality and more.

The benefits of incorporating plants into your interior design

Bringing plants into your interior design can offer a wide range of benefits. A few of which include:

Improved air quality

Plants are natural air purifiers, and they can help to remove toxins and pollutants from the air in your home. This can lead to better indoor air quality and can reduce your risk of respiratory problems and other health issues. There was even a study by NASA on the best plants for air quality.

Reduced Stress

Research has shown that decorating with plants can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Incorporating new plants into your home décor can create a calming atmosphere and help you to feel more at ease in your living spaces.

Increased Productivity

Plants have also been shown to improve concentration and productivity, making them a great addition to home offices and study spaces.

Enhanced aesthetics

Of course, one of the main benefits of interior decorating plants into your home décor is the visual appeal they offer. Plants can add color, texture, and life to your living spaces, making them feel more inviting and comfortable.

Cost-effective Décor

Compared to other types of home décor, plants are relatively inexpensive and can be a great way to add some personality and style to your living spaces without breaking the bank.

Choosing the Right Plants

Factors to consider when selecting plants for your home

When selecting plants for your home, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you choose the right ones for your room and your lifestyle. Here are some factors to keep in mind:


Different house plants require different levels of light, so it's important to consider the lighting conditions in your home when selecting plants. Some plants require direct sunlight, while others do better in lower-light conditions.


Some plants require more frequent watering than others, so it's important to consider how often you're willing to water your plants. Overwatering or underwatering can lead to plant health problems.


Some plants thrive in humid environments, while others prefer drier conditions. Consider the humidity levels in your home when selecting plants.

Pet Safety

If you have pets, it's important to choose plants that are safe for them to be around. Some house plants can be toxic to pets if ingested.


Consider the size of the plant when fully grown and make sure it will fit in the space you have available.

Some popular indoor plants to choose from

Now, here are a few plants that awarded some top prizes in popularity when it comes to decorating with plants. And A few care requirements too:

Spider Plant

The Best Spider Plant for Your Home - Easy to Care for, Purifies Air
Shop Spider Plants

Spider plants are low maintenance plants and do well in a variety of lighting conditions. They prefer well-draining soil and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant Moonshine - Low Maintenance & Improves Air Quality
Shop Snake Plants

The Snake plant is known for its ability to purify the air and requires very little maintenance. They can handle a range of lighting conditions and prefer to be watered infrequently.

Peace lily

Buy a Low-Maintenance White Peace Lily Indoor Houseplant - Purifies Air and Promotes Well-Being
Shop Peace Lilies

Peace lilies make interior decorating easy. With their dark green colors and stunning flowers, they are a great choice to add pops of color to your home. Plus, some even have variegated leaves! They do not like full sun though and prefer low to medium light conditions. They like to be kept moist but not overwatered.

Silver Splash Pothos

Silver Splash Pothos
Shop Silver Splash Pothos

The Pothos (also called devil's ivy) is a low-maintenance Trailing plant that's great for hanging baskets and does well in low to medium-light conditions. They prefer to dry out between waterings but they will thrive in humid conditions.

Fiddle leaf fig tree

Buy the Majestic Fiddle Leaf Fig and Create Your Own Indoor Jungle
Shop Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees

The Fiddle leaf fig tree is popular for its large, dramatic leaves. They require bright, indirect light and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry. Because of the fig trees' unique decor style and lush greenery, These large plants are also perfect for a focal point against white walls or in an empty corner.

Air plants

Air plants are unique in that they don't need soil to grow. They can be displayed in a variety of ways, such as in a terrarium or hanging planter. Air Plants prefer bright, indirect light and need to be watered by misting or soaking them in water every week or two.

Blue Star Fern

Blue Star Fern -An Elegant and Low-Maintenance Addition to Your Home
Shop Blue Star Ferns

The Boston Fern, also known as Nephrolepis exaltata, is a popular indoor plant that is valued for its lush, delicate foliage and easy care. Its unique leaf shapes and its ability to grow to many different sizes make it a great option to fill a room with plant life are add interest to a dining space or even beside other statement plants. Native to tropical regions of the Americas, this fern can thrive in a range of indoor environments, making it a versatile addition to any interior design scheme.

These are just a few examples of popular indoor plants, but there are many other options available to suit a variety of preferences and lifestyles. When selecting plants for your home, consider the factors listed above and choose plants that fit your needs and your space.

Placement and Arrangement

How to determine the best location for your plants

Determining the best location for your plants is important to ensure they thrive and add to the overall aesthetic of your space. Here are some basic principles for choosing the right location for your plants:

  1. Consider lighting: As mentioned earlier, different plants have different lighting requirements. Make sure to place your plants in locations where they will receive the appropriate amount of light. For example, plants that require direct sunlight should be placed near windows that receive ample sunlight.
  2. Think about temperature: Some plants are sensitive to temperature and drafts, so make sure to avoid placing them near drafty windows or in areas where the temperature fluctuates significantly.
  3. Consider humidity: Plants that thrive in high humidity may do well in your bathroom or kitchen, while those that prefer drier conditions may do better in other areas of your home. Also, if you arrange plants together it can increase the humidity around them and help create a focal point in your space.
  4. Take into account space: Consider the size of your plants when selecting a location. Taller plants may do well in corners or next to furniture, while smaller plants may be better suited for shelves or windowsills.

For more info about how to care for specific plants, check out these plant care guides.

Tips for arranging plants to create a cohesive look

Once you've determined the best locations for your plants, it's time to arrange them in a way that creates a cohesive look. Here are some interior design tips for arranging decorating with plants:

  1. Mix and match: Try mixing plants of different sizes, shapes, and textures to create visual interest and variety.
  2. Use containers that match: Using containers that match or complement each other can help create a cohesive look. For example, a grouping of plants in terracotta pots can create a unified look.
  3. Consider color: Plants come in a variety of colors, so consider the colors of your plants when arranging them. A grouping of plants with similar hues can create a cohesive look.
  4. Use levels: Varying the height of your plants by using plant stands or shelves can create a layered look and add visual interest.

Containers and Planters

Different types of containers and planters to consider

When it comes to choosing the right container for your plants, there are many options to consider. Here are some different types of containers and planters to think about:

Terracotta pots

Shop Terracotta Pots

These are a classic choice and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are porous, allowing for good drainage and air circulation.

Ceramic pots

Ceramic Pots
Shop Ceramic Pots

These pots are available in a wide variety of colors, textures, and patterns, making them a popular choice for adding some visual interest to your plant display.

Hanging planters

How to decorate your house with plants - Hanging Planters
Shop Hanging Planters

These are a great option if you're short on floor or shelf space. They can be hung from the ceiling or mounted on a wall.

Macrame plant hangers

How to decorate your house - Macrame Plant hangers
Shop Macrame Plant Hangers

These are a trendy option that can add some bohemian flair to your décor. They are available in a variety of colors and styles.

Glass terrariums

Glass terrariums
Shop Glass terrariums

These are unique options that can be used for small plants or succulents. They can add some visual interest to your space and can be hung or placed on a table or shelf.

Choosing the right container for your plant and décor style

When choosing a container for your plant, it's important to consider both the plant's needs and your décor style. Here are some tips for choosing the right container:

  1. Consider drainage: Make sure the container has adequate drainage holes or is designed to promote good drainage. Most plants do not like to sit in excess water and this will help prevent overwatering and root rot.
  2. Think about size: Choose a container that is appropriately sized for your plant. A container that is too small can stunt the growth of your plant, while a container that is too large can cause overwatering.
  3. Consider the plant's style: Some plants have a more traditional or classic look, while others have a more modern or bohemian feel. Choose a container that complements the style of your plant.
  4. Consider your décor style: Choose a container that complements the overall style of your home décor. For example, if you have a modern style, a sleek ceramic pot may be a good choice, while a terracotta pot may be a better fit for a more rustic or traditional style.

By considering these factors, you can choose the right container for your plant and create a cohesive and stylish display in your home.

DIY Plant Décor Projects

Creating DIY plant décor projects can be a fun and rewarding way to add some personality to your home décor. Here are some ideas for DIY plant décor projects, along with step-by-step instructions for creating them:

Hanging planters: These can be made from a variety of materials, including macrame, rope, and even recycled materials like old light bulbs or tin cans.

To make a simple macrame plant hanger, you will need a macrame cord and a small planter. Cut four pieces of cord to the desired length, fold them in half, and knot them at the top to create a loop. Then, divide the cords into pairs and knot them together to create a series of loops that will hold the planter. Finally, hang the planter from the loop and adjust the cords as needed.

Terrariums: These are an excellent choice when it comes to displaying air plants and many other house plants. They can be made from glass jars or bowls and can be filled with a variety of plants and other decorative elements.

To make a simple terrarium, you will need a glass jar or bowl, gravel or sand, potting soil, and small plants or succulents. First, add a gravel or sand layer to the jar's bottom for drainage. Then, add a layer of potting soil and arrange your plants in the jar. Finally, add any decorative elements like rocks or moss, and water your terrarium as needed. Be sure to group plants together that have similar care requirements.

Plant stands: These can be made from wood, metal, or even PVC pipe. To make a simple wooden plant stand, you will need some wood boards, a saw, and some screws or nails. Cut the boards to the desired length and shape, and then assemble them using the screws or nails to create a sturdy stand. You can then paint or stain the stand to match your décor.

By creating DIY plant décor projects, you can add some unique and personalized touches to your indoor gardening. These projects can also be a great way to upcycle materials and reduce waste, while also adding some greenery and life to your living spaces when decorating with plants.

Maintenance and Care

Keeping your plants healthy and thriving is key to decorating with plants successfully. Here are some plant care tips for keeping your green friend(s) healthy, as well as common problems to watch out for and how to fix them:

  1. Watering: Overwatering and underwatering are common problems that can lead to the death of your plants. Make sure to water your plants regularly, but not too often or too little. The amount of water your plant needs will depend on the type of plant, the size of the pot, and the environment in which it is placed. Generally, you can test the soil by sticking your finger in the soil up to the second knuckle. If the soil feels dry, it's time to water.
  2. Light: Plants need light to grow, but too much or too little light can cause problems. Make sure to place your plants in a location that receives the appropriate amount of light for their needs. Some plants prefer bright, direct light, while others prefer indirect or low light. If your plant starts to wilt or discolor, it may be receiving too much or too little light.
  3. Temperature and humidity: Plants also need to be in a comfortable temperature and humidity range to thrive. Make sure to keep your plants away from drafts and extreme temperatures. Some plants also benefit from a humid environment, so you may want to use a humidifier or place a tray of water near your plants.
  4. Pests and diseases: Plants can be susceptible to pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs, as well as diseases like fungal infections. Make sure to inspect your plants regularly for signs of pests or disease, and take action quickly if you notice any problems. Treating plants quickly can ensure minimal damage is done to them There are a variety of natural and chemical solutions for dealing with pests and diseases.

By following these plant care tips, you can help your plants to thrive and grow, adding beauty and life to your home décor. If you do encounter problems with your plants, don't be discouraged. With a little patience and effort, you can often nurse them back to health and continue to enjoy their benefits for years to come.

Also, check out these other plants if you're still a little nervous about decorating with plants:  5+ Easiest House Plants to Keep Alive.


How should I arrange my living room with plants?

Well, first of all, congratulations on your decision to incorporate plants into your living room! That's a fantastic idea. Now, when it comes to arranging your plants, you have a few different options. You can create a focal point by placing a larger plant in the center of the room, or you can create a more scattered effect by placing smaller plants on tables and shelves throughout the space. You can also play with different heights and textures to create a more dynamic and interesting arrangement. Whatever you decide, just make sure you don't overcrowd the space - you want your plants to enhance the room, not take over!

Do plants make a house look better?

Absolutely! Plants are not only beautiful to look at, but they also bring a range of benefits to your home. They can help to purify the air, reduce stress levels, and create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. Plus, they add a touch of natural greenery that can really enhance the overall look and feel of your space. So, if you're looking for a simple and effective way to make your house look better, adding some plants is a great place to start!

Where should plants be placed in the house?

Great question! The beauty of plants is that they can thrive in a range of different environments, so you have a lot of options when it comes to placing them in your home. Some popular spots include on windowsills, in corners, on shelves, or hanging from the ceiling. You can also get creative and use plants to create natural dividers between different areas of your home. Just keep in mind that different plants have different light and humidity requirements, so it's important to do your research and choose the right plant for the right spot. And don't forget to have fun with it - experimenting with different plant placements can be a fun and rewarding experience!


Incorporating plants into your interior design has many benefits, including improving air quality, reducing stress, increasing productivity, enhancing aesthetics, and being a cost-effective form of décor. By considering factors such as selecting the right plants, determining the best location for them, and choosing appropriate containers, you can successfully incorporate plants into your home décor.

DIY plant interior design projects can also add a personal touch and be a fun activity to try. However, it's important to keep your plants healthy and thriving by paying attention to their watering, light, temperature, humidity, and potential pests or diseases. If you don't want to do the upkeep it takes to have a plant in your living space you could also consider faux plants or artificial plants.

With these benefits and tips in mind, there's no reason not to start designing your house with plants. They can add a touch of nature and beauty to your living spaces while also promoting better health and well-being. So go ahead and explore the many options for incorporating plants into your home décor – you might just be surprised at how much joy they can bring.

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How to Design Your House with Plants
13 min read

How to Design Your House with Plants

Feb 23
13 min read

Decorating with plants can offer a range of health benefits beyond just adding color and texture. From improving air quality to reducing stress and increasing productivity, they can be like natural superheroes for your home. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of incorporating plants into your home and provide tips on choosing the right plants for your space. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or new to the plant game, you'll find inspiration and ideas to incorporate these natural wonders into your living spaces. Let's dive in!

How to Design Your House with Plants

Not only do plants add a pop of color and texture to your living space, but bringing them indoors also offers a host of physical and mental health benefits. From purifying the air to reducing stress and boosting productivity, house plants are like natural wonder-workers for your home. In this article, we'll explore some of the top benefits of decorating with plants in your interior design, from creating a calming atmosphere to improving indoor air quality and more.

The benefits of incorporating plants into your interior design

Bringing plants into your interior design can offer a wide range of benefits. A few of which include:

Improved air quality

Plants are natural air purifiers, and they can help to remove toxins and pollutants from the air in your home. This can lead to better indoor air quality and can reduce your risk of respiratory problems and other health issues. There was even a study by NASA on the best plants for air quality.

Reduced Stress

Research has shown that decorating with plants can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Incorporating new plants into your home décor can create a calming atmosphere and help you to feel more at ease in your living spaces.

Increased Productivity

Plants have also been shown to improve concentration and productivity, making them a great addition to home offices and study spaces.

Enhanced aesthetics

Of course, one of the main benefits of interior decorating plants into your home décor is the visual appeal they offer. Plants can add color, texture, and life to your living spaces, making them feel more inviting and comfortable.

Cost-effective Décor

Compared to other types of home décor, plants are relatively inexpensive and can be a great way to add some personality and style to your living spaces without breaking the bank.

Choosing the Right Plants

Factors to consider when selecting plants for your home

When selecting plants for your home, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you choose the right ones for your room and your lifestyle. Here are some factors to keep in mind:


Different house plants require different levels of light, so it's important to consider the lighting conditions in your home when selecting plants. Some plants require direct sunlight, while others do better in lower-light conditions.


Some plants require more frequent watering than others, so it's important to consider how often you're willing to water your plants. Overwatering or underwatering can lead to plant health problems.


Some plants thrive in humid environments, while others prefer drier conditions. Consider the humidity levels in your home when selecting plants.

Pet Safety

If you have pets, it's important to choose plants that are safe for them to be around. Some house plants can be toxic to pets if ingested.


Consider the size of the plant when fully grown and make sure it will fit in the space you have available.

Some popular indoor plants to choose from

Now, here are a few plants that awarded some top prizes in popularity when it comes to decorating with plants. And A few care requirements too:

Spider Plant

The Best Spider Plant for Your Home - Easy to Care for, Purifies Air
Shop Spider Plants

Spider plants are low maintenance plants and do well in a variety of lighting conditions. They prefer well-draining soil and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant Moonshine - Low Maintenance & Improves Air Quality
Shop Snake Plants

The Snake plant is known for its ability to purify the air and requires very little maintenance. They can handle a range of lighting conditions and prefer to be watered infrequently.

Peace lily

Buy a Low-Maintenance White Peace Lily Indoor Houseplant - Purifies Air and Promotes Well-Being
Shop Peace Lilies

Peace lilies make interior decorating easy. With their dark green colors and stunning flowers, they are a great choice to add pops of color to your home. Plus, some even have variegated leaves! They do not like full sun though and prefer low to medium light conditions. They like to be kept moist but not overwatered.

Silver Splash Pothos

Silver Splash Pothos
Shop Silver Splash Pothos

The Pothos (also called devil's ivy) is a low-maintenance Trailing plant that's great for hanging baskets and does well in low to medium-light conditions. They prefer to dry out between waterings but they will thrive in humid conditions.

Fiddle leaf fig tree

Buy the Majestic Fiddle Leaf Fig and Create Your Own Indoor Jungle
Shop Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees

The Fiddle leaf fig tree is popular for its large, dramatic leaves. They require bright, indirect light and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry. Because of the fig trees' unique decor style and lush greenery, These large plants are also perfect for a focal point against white walls or in an empty corner.

Air plants

Air plants are unique in that they don't need soil to grow. They can be displayed in a variety of ways, such as in a terrarium or hanging planter. Air Plants prefer bright, indirect light and need to be watered by misting or soaking them in water every week or two.

Blue Star Fern

Blue Star Fern -An Elegant and Low-Maintenance Addition to Your Home
Shop Blue Star Ferns

The Boston Fern, also known as Nephrolepis exaltata, is a popular indoor plant that is valued for its lush, delicate foliage and easy care. Its unique leaf shapes and its ability to grow to many different sizes make it a great option to fill a room with plant life are add interest to a dining space or even beside other statement plants. Native to tropical regions of the Americas, this fern can thrive in a range of indoor environments, making it a versatile addition to any interior design scheme.

These are just a few examples of popular indoor plants, but there are many other options available to suit a variety of preferences and lifestyles. When selecting plants for your home, consider the factors listed above and choose plants that fit your needs and your space.

Placement and Arrangement

How to determine the best location for your plants

Determining the best location for your plants is important to ensure they thrive and add to the overall aesthetic of your space. Here are some basic principles for choosing the right location for your plants:

  1. Consider lighting: As mentioned earlier, different plants have different lighting requirements. Make sure to place your plants in locations where they will receive the appropriate amount of light. For example, plants that require direct sunlight should be placed near windows that receive ample sunlight.
  2. Think about temperature: Some plants are sensitive to temperature and drafts, so make sure to avoid placing them near drafty windows or in areas where the temperature fluctuates significantly.
  3. Consider humidity: Plants that thrive in high humidity may do well in your bathroom or kitchen, while those that prefer drier conditions may do better in other areas of your home. Also, if you arrange plants together it can increase the humidity around them and help create a focal point in your space.
  4. Take into account space: Consider the size of your plants when selecting a location. Taller plants may do well in corners or next to furniture, while smaller plants may be better suited for shelves or windowsills.

For more info about how to care for specific plants, check out these plant care guides.

Tips for arranging plants to create a cohesive look

Once you've determined the best locations for your plants, it's time to arrange them in a way that creates a cohesive look. Here are some interior design tips for arranging decorating with plants:

  1. Mix and match: Try mixing plants of different sizes, shapes, and textures to create visual interest and variety.
  2. Use containers that match: Using containers that match or complement each other can help create a cohesive look. For example, a grouping of plants in terracotta pots can create a unified look.
  3. Consider color: Plants come in a variety of colors, so consider the colors of your plants when arranging them. A grouping of plants with similar hues can create a cohesive look.
  4. Use levels: Varying the height of your plants by using plant stands or shelves can create a layered look and add visual interest.

Containers and Planters

Different types of containers and planters to consider

When it comes to choosing the right container for your plants, there are many options to consider. Here are some different types of containers and planters to think about:

Terracotta pots

Shop Terracotta Pots

These are a classic choice and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are porous, allowing for good drainage and air circulation.

Ceramic pots

Ceramic Pots
Shop Ceramic Pots

These pots are available in a wide variety of colors, textures, and patterns, making them a popular choice for adding some visual interest to your plant display.

Hanging planters

How to decorate your house with plants - Hanging Planters
Shop Hanging Planters

These are a great option if you're short on floor or shelf space. They can be hung from the ceiling or mounted on a wall.

Macrame plant hangers

How to decorate your house - Macrame Plant hangers
Shop Macrame Plant Hangers

These are a trendy option that can add some bohemian flair to your décor. They are available in a variety of colors and styles.

Glass terrariums

Glass terrariums
Shop Glass terrariums

These are unique options that can be used for small plants or succulents. They can add some visual interest to your space and can be hung or placed on a table or shelf.

Choosing the right container for your plant and décor style

When choosing a container for your plant, it's important to consider both the plant's needs and your décor style. Here are some tips for choosing the right container:

  1. Consider drainage: Make sure the container has adequate drainage holes or is designed to promote good drainage. Most plants do not like to sit in excess water and this will help prevent overwatering and root rot.
  2. Think about size: Choose a container that is appropriately sized for your plant. A container that is too small can stunt the growth of your plant, while a container that is too large can cause overwatering.
  3. Consider the plant's style: Some plants have a more traditional or classic look, while others have a more modern or bohemian feel. Choose a container that complements the style of your plant.
  4. Consider your décor style: Choose a container that complements the overall style of your home décor. For example, if you have a modern style, a sleek ceramic pot may be a good choice, while a terracotta pot may be a better fit for a more rustic or traditional style.

By considering these factors, you can choose the right container for your plant and create a cohesive and stylish display in your home.

DIY Plant Décor Projects

Creating DIY plant décor projects can be a fun and rewarding way to add some personality to your home décor. Here are some ideas for DIY plant décor projects, along with step-by-step instructions for creating them:

Hanging planters: These can be made from a variety of materials, including macrame, rope, and even recycled materials like old light bulbs or tin cans.

To make a simple macrame plant hanger, you will need a macrame cord and a small planter. Cut four pieces of cord to the desired length, fold them in half, and knot them at the top to create a loop. Then, divide the cords into pairs and knot them together to create a series of loops that will hold the planter. Finally, hang the planter from the loop and adjust the cords as needed.

Terrariums: These are an excellent choice when it comes to displaying air plants and many other house plants. They can be made from glass jars or bowls and can be filled with a variety of plants and other decorative elements.

To make a simple terrarium, you will need a glass jar or bowl, gravel or sand, potting soil, and small plants or succulents. First, add a gravel or sand layer to the jar's bottom for drainage. Then, add a layer of potting soil and arrange your plants in the jar. Finally, add any decorative elements like rocks or moss, and water your terrarium as needed. Be sure to group plants together that have similar care requirements.

Plant stands: These can be made from wood, metal, or even PVC pipe. To make a simple wooden plant stand, you will need some wood boards, a saw, and some screws or nails. Cut the boards to the desired length and shape, and then assemble them using the screws or nails to create a sturdy stand. You can then paint or stain the stand to match your décor.

By creating DIY plant décor projects, you can add some unique and personalized touches to your indoor gardening. These projects can also be a great way to upcycle materials and reduce waste, while also adding some greenery and life to your living spaces when decorating with plants.

Maintenance and Care

Keeping your plants healthy and thriving is key to decorating with plants successfully. Here are some plant care tips for keeping your green friend(s) healthy, as well as common problems to watch out for and how to fix them:

  1. Watering: Overwatering and underwatering are common problems that can lead to the death of your plants. Make sure to water your plants regularly, but not too often or too little. The amount of water your plant needs will depend on the type of plant, the size of the pot, and the environment in which it is placed. Generally, you can test the soil by sticking your finger in the soil up to the second knuckle. If the soil feels dry, it's time to water.
  2. Light: Plants need light to grow, but too much or too little light can cause problems. Make sure to place your plants in a location that receives the appropriate amount of light for their needs. Some plants prefer bright, direct light, while others prefer indirect or low light. If your plant starts to wilt or discolor, it may be receiving too much or too little light.
  3. Temperature and humidity: Plants also need to be in a comfortable temperature and humidity range to thrive. Make sure to keep your plants away from drafts and extreme temperatures. Some plants also benefit from a humid environment, so you may want to use a humidifier or place a tray of water near your plants.
  4. Pests and diseases: Plants can be susceptible to pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs, as well as diseases like fungal infections. Make sure to inspect your plants regularly for signs of pests or disease, and take action quickly if you notice any problems. Treating plants quickly can ensure minimal damage is done to them There are a variety of natural and chemical solutions for dealing with pests and diseases.

By following these plant care tips, you can help your plants to thrive and grow, adding beauty and life to your home décor. If you do encounter problems with your plants, don't be discouraged. With a little patience and effort, you can often nurse them back to health and continue to enjoy their benefits for years to come.

Also, check out these other plants if you're still a little nervous about decorating with plants:  5+ Easiest House Plants to Keep Alive.


How should I arrange my living room with plants?

Well, first of all, congratulations on your decision to incorporate plants into your living room! That's a fantastic idea. Now, when it comes to arranging your plants, you have a few different options. You can create a focal point by placing a larger plant in the center of the room, or you can create a more scattered effect by placing smaller plants on tables and shelves throughout the space. You can also play with different heights and textures to create a more dynamic and interesting arrangement. Whatever you decide, just make sure you don't overcrowd the space - you want your plants to enhance the room, not take over!

Do plants make a house look better?

Absolutely! Plants are not only beautiful to look at, but they also bring a range of benefits to your home. They can help to purify the air, reduce stress levels, and create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. Plus, they add a touch of natural greenery that can really enhance the overall look and feel of your space. So, if you're looking for a simple and effective way to make your house look better, adding some plants is a great place to start!

Where should plants be placed in the house?

Great question! The beauty of plants is that they can thrive in a range of different environments, so you have a lot of options when it comes to placing them in your home. Some popular spots include on windowsills, in corners, on shelves, or hanging from the ceiling. You can also get creative and use plants to create natural dividers between different areas of your home. Just keep in mind that different plants have different light and humidity requirements, so it's important to do your research and choose the right plant for the right spot. And don't forget to have fun with it - experimenting with different plant placements can be a fun and rewarding experience!


Incorporating plants into your interior design has many benefits, including improving air quality, reducing stress, increasing productivity, enhancing aesthetics, and being a cost-effective form of décor. By considering factors such as selecting the right plants, determining the best location for them, and choosing appropriate containers, you can successfully incorporate plants into your home décor.

DIY plant interior design projects can also add a personal touch and be a fun activity to try. However, it's important to keep your plants healthy and thriving by paying attention to their watering, light, temperature, humidity, and potential pests or diseases. If you don't want to do the upkeep it takes to have a plant in your living space you could also consider faux plants or artificial plants.

With these benefits and tips in mind, there's no reason not to start designing your house with plants. They can add a touch of nature and beauty to your living spaces while also promoting better health and well-being. So go ahead and explore the many options for incorporating plants into your home décor – you might just be surprised at how much joy they can bring.

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